Teya Salat

Top 3 Reasons To Test And Tag Electrical Equipment

Nowadays, it is almost impossible to find an office that doesn’t have electrical equipment. With the advancement of technology and a variety of products in the market, offices are employing more and more electrical appliances at the workplace for the convenience of its employees. Be it data and communication setup, power tools, microwave or coffee maker; everyone wants peace of mind while using such appliances and equipment, knowing it is safe to use.

A licensed test and tag Adelaideelectrician can regularly check your electrical equipment, keeping your workplace safe and prolong the life of valuable appliances that are being used every day. Taking help of a professional ensures your compliance with government business safety regulations. Apart from government regulations, here are the top 3 reasons why test and tagging electrical equipment should be on top of your risk management to-do list.

Identify Potential Electrical Hazards

Any malfunctioning electrical equipment can put everyone at the workplace in danger. So, it is better to take action beforehand and get all the electrical devices tested and tagged. This will also help in identifying the possible electrical hazard, and prior action could be taken to avoid any unpredictable incident. If you operate factories, workshops, commercial cleaning operations, etc. then make sure you get the equipment tested once every six months. Appliances used at homes, hotels or hostels should be tested once a year. 

Efficiently Manage Replacements

Interruption in the workflow is something that no employer likes. It not only causes a delay in work but also turns out to be a loss of revenue. When electrical equipment breaks down unexpectedly, it gives employees a reason to take longer breaks while you are busy organizing its replacement. Both ways you are losing money. This could be prevented by having your equipment regularly tested by a qualified technician. Don’t think twice and ask for test and tag quote to get your appliances and other types of equipment checked and fixed by the pros. 

Test Tripping Mechanisms

No matter how expertly equipment is installed, one flaw can pose a great threat. If we look at the vulnerability in equipment, it usually lies in the power surges. The best defense strategy against this is to use a surge protector along with electrical safety switches such as RCD (Residual Current Devices). To be 100% sure, get RCD test Adelaidefrom an expert. Regular testing of safety switches will ensure that it is always working efficiently. If any equipment might pose a threat of putting your workmates in danger, RCD test will help in planning against emergencies. 

Wrapping it up

Test and tag is a great way to identify whether or not any electrical equipment is faulty. If it can cause a threat, the equipment will be tagged and removed from being used. In case the equipment passes the test, a tag will be there on it specifying the date of the test, by whom it was conducted and when the device needs to be tested again. While you are at it, always trust an experienced and licensed professional to ensure the safety of everyone at your office.